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發佈: 2011-2-09 12:47 |   來源: sina.com  |  查看: 13次

1. After the long holidays for Chinese New Year come to an end, the Executive Yuan held a communal feast for greeting a new year yesterday. Primer 吳敦義 hoped prosperous economy, just and fair society, and better public security could be practiced in this year. And people can share the amazing result of economy as well as really experience the recovery in this year.


2. Ministry of Education held a communal fast on the first day after finishing holidays of Chinese New Year. Minister 吳清基 offered ten top wishes for educational vision. In addition to keep bully away from campus, the policy to promote free-charged schooling for children under five years old is hoped to be extended to children under three and four for increasing birth rate.


3. Center for College Entrance Examination recycled testing books in reserve in each tasting district after it finished. To respond to resource-reusing, they will be provided to senior high schools and vocational schools for regular practicing uses. Schools in need can fill out the application form and send it through email or fax before February 18th. Additionally, people who need it can go to service counter of the center to apply for it from February 10th. For more information, please check the website of the center.


4. Elementary schools and junior high schools will open on next Monday. To let students get ready for studying, manager of mental and physical department from Dalin Branch of Buddhist 慈濟 General Hospital董俊良 suggests parents to ask their children to do homework for winter vacation regularly and bring them back to normal schedule step by step to avoid getting syndrome after holidays including tension, anxiety and even insomnia.


5. The special exam for being civil servant for the disabled will take place from April 30th to May 1st. Written application and on-line application will be held from today to February 18th. Except original testing districts including Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, 花蓮 and 台東 testing districts are set this year. Ministry of Examination has authorized each administration to sell application form for people to purchase nearby.


6. Council of Labor Affairs says that the number of job vacancy in the first ten-day period of January is twenty percent more than that in the last year which means people who purpose to change their career can take action to make it. The council will hold job opening campaigns including the one in the middle of February which will invite twenty-one kinds of businesses on electronics, restaurant, manufacture and tourism industries. More than eleven thousand and three hundred vacancies will be offered. Besides, the five big-scale job fairs held in the middle ten days of March are expected to release twelve thousand and five hundred vacancies.


7. Even U.S Federal Government tries to budget a great deal of scholarship, the subsidy still cannot keep up with the increasing amount of schooling charges. During the problem of financial shortage on American universities keep spreading, local students can only choose the ones with cheaper tuition. Of course, they may not have good quality. Besides, the students who don’t want to give in the reality will take the heavy stress of debt. The worst of all is that some of them even give up studying in colleges finally.


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