
ahhhhh! U.S. economy!!

Chinese-English it's funny.
Thank you very much.Because your time is money.


回覆 21樓 霄雪 的帖子

you are so kind, snow
your time is also treasure, too
just let's enjoy a good time here....


hehe... snow.. chinese-english is not just funny la
ha.. i remember when i just comes to the states.. all i can and had the courage to say is like single words/phrases..
but just like pana said.. no one is here to laugh at people's language ability..
if we can communicate in any sort of level.. thats sufficient enought!
and.. to tell the truth.. if anyone would laugh at foreigner's english.. they are just plain disgusting and complete a-holes! (ah.. excuse my language)..
u know what i do to those people?
i told them to freaking start learning chinese for a change!
see how good they can speak/write in a complete foreign language!
and.. then... we will laugh at them when they make mistakes


haha, henlee is making a great point......maybe as we all thinking about have those english people take the chinese tofel test and make them understand how we feel......



chinese tofel!!
we should invent a new class -- "CSL" (Chinese as a Second Language)


if we really start a CSL, maybe you can be the director and i will be the teacher. and do not foret collect crazy tuition like what we pay for those toefl class as well....

another crazy idea about money......$$$$



damn.. we all need $ now.. oh my

u know.. my friend told me that DHL is moving out of US...
therefore.. tones of people gonna go jobless..
crazy world


OH, exactly,

that is another company who showed on the headline with Circuit City.

I think it is right thing they are out of the market becasue service from DHL sucks. Although they are trying to earn their customer back by a lot of ways, even hire some contractor for tel-marketing which was really annoy and come to office without making appointment. All this are only making things worse and reined their own reputation.

I am sorry for people who lost job because of this, but in the other hand, I am glad DHL is out now.


回覆 28樓 ph1017 的帖子

wow.. really??!!

never knew about that
i always thought DHL is a huge company..
isn't it bigger than fedex in asian countries

oh well.. i guess its safe to say that i'm glad that i still have a job now..

yo.. i checked my IRA account last nite..
i lost like over 50% of the value
sucks man!   big time



I don't like DHL, either. Their service is really bad. One time my husband ordered a laptop from DELL, and it was shipped via DHL. Well, the first time when they knock our door, we were not home. The delivery guy left a note on our door and said that he will be back the next date. Well, we were afraid that we might not hear he knocking the door, so we installed a door bell. And guess what? The next day, no one rang the door bell whole day. I was just wondering how come the laptop was not here yet and opened the door, and then I saw the laptop was on the step of our front door!!! OMG!! I was glad that I opened the door and check! I can not image if anyone took away the package!

Well, I just want to say that DHL is really famous for their bad service.


