
[原創] 台中植牙價格大分析/台中植牙費用,植牙品牌價錢決定品質




之前跟大家提到的 植牙價格是否合理的問題,
As I mentioned previously, if the dental implant’s price is reasonable or not?

I decide to present a more clear explanation to let everyone knows better what is exactly choice you want.

Where and which brand of dental implant, It is always a difficult decision for everyone to chose.

I sincere hope this article could efficiently bring you a correct direction.




As a matter of fact for dental implant, to remove your own tooth root and implant an artificial tooth root.
Artificial tooth root just like plant’s root, gums is the soil, a good implant requests a healthy gums around.
Bones are not possible to be changed, but implant quality is able to  be  choose  .

當你閱讀這段文章的時候那讓我們來更進一步的分析這個市場及產品!!  應該也是植牙達人了,  
which brand is the best  implant?
Therefore, the frequently asked question for  dental implant, which brand is the best?

You   clould found at least 100 brands of dental implant agency here in Taiwan
There are more than 200-300 dental implant brands over the whole world.

Then, let’s further analysis this market and products.
More or less, you must be kind of dental implant expert when you read this article.

Normally the younger brands are always with the better price but risk?


The difference between individual doctor’s technical charge



No doubt, it is evidently a considerable invest of time and money to train an outstanding dentist,

this is also the main reason that doctors’ charge and experience.are always depend on their education, background


The difference between each individual patient’s own condition.


Whether the patient's gum space is sufficient for implant or not, if it is necessary to raise up the gums with artificial bone powder,

these are reasons that cause different charges.



The charge of front tooth area and rear tooth area are different too, the front tooth area involved in aesthetics,

it is obviously demand a longer time and more complex parts then the rear tooth area, the charges is relatively higher.


The difference of implant.


Regarding the brand of dental implant, from historical north Euro brand to parity MIT brand for your choice.


Our suggestion : Global company with historical and Long-term clinical study endorsement as first choice.


The logical of implant is totally different from the vehicle, replace the parts when failure. If there is any error with the dental implant design, the only thing that we could do is wait until it get loosed and collapsed.


The difference between city side and country side.


The operate cost is always higher for north dental clinic, so does the charges. You may save 20-40% of dental implant cost in middle south clinic.

The most important part to pay attention on before decision is the history of the dental implant company.
Mostly, the longer history that companies have, the more clinic study tracking report collected
Also these old brands have enough time to track the research and present the thesis.
Including the patient’s oral bones change, will the implant have metal fatigue?
This information can provide manufacturers to continuously improve their products and Invent new
implant design to enhance bone integration faster.
If the company can’t even provide the 5 year tracking report, how would it be after 10 years dental implant.
Consequently, it is indeed with risk for adopting younger brand, in general,
price reach a certain level comes with higher value and guarantee, you get what you pay.





How long can artificial implants be used?

This is the most concern for almost every patient after they spend a lot of effort and money.
For example, any of the used cars will need to replace the tires because they are consumables.
We will never ask the master how long can the tire be used, but how we use it.
Maintenance is always the hardest part! Need good cooperate between the patient and doctor. Also the great determination!

但如何保養往往是最難的部分 !需要患者與醫生密切的配合以及莫大的決心!
As long as the gums around the dental implant without shrink and keep good oral hygiene, regularly back visit, the easy failure. dental implant will not
Patients with periodontal disease, without oral hygiene, unable to examine regularly are not suggest to dental implant.

1. 植牙部位要考慮到骨頭的長度、寬度、高度、深度、硬度。
What kind of oral conditions needs to be considered before artificial dental implant
2. 上顎要考慮到上顎鼻腔、副鼻竇,下顎則是下顎齒槽骨神經及血管。
The upper jaw needs to consider the upper jaw nose and   paranasal sinus, jaw is the jaw alveolar nerve and blood vessels.

3. 持續牙周病、不注重口腔衛生、無法定期回診的患者皆不適合

The upper jaw needs to consider the upper jaw nose and paranasaljaw is the jaw alveolar nerve and blood vessels.sinus,The dental implant position will required to consider bone’s length, width, height, depth
and hardness.

Dental implant will no longer cause the tooth decay, but poor oral hygiene may also have a similar periodontal disease phenomenon, leading to bone absorption and even let the implant fall off.

To extend the life of implant, doctors will always recommend patients to enhance their oral hygiene.
Be patient to brush teeth and use floss, examine regularly.

We will not suggest people who have the habit of grind teeth at night and eat betel nut.


As long as the body without other problems, there is no negative impact on age, but the elderly's operation will not allowed to take long.

for older patients to adopt artificial implants? Will it have any affected?allowedDoes it
In fact, beside the teeth lack patient, the elderly is the main group who needs the dental implant surgery.
When people get older, the physical degradation is not just the aging of the skin, but also the muscle organization, even the bone and the teeth will be degraded.
The main reason of oral degeneration for the elderly after menopause, less saliva evolved into dry mouth disease.
The less saliva leads the oral resistance worse. more easily.Also the teeth get decayed and periodontal disease
According to the medical endorsement, there is no age limit of dental implant, cause bones are belong to living organization, it growth at anytime.
The teeth decayed and periodontal disease to cause the teeth fall off will demand artificial dental implant surgery, therefore, it is suitable for elderly to have the dental implant surgery.


