
[分享] 原油期貨每桶首次跌破120美元 Oil Falls Below $120


原油期貨每桶首次跌破120美元 Oil Falls Below $120

Oil Falls Below $120 on Signs Storm Won't Harm Gulf Facilities
原油暴跌 跌破120  自五月以來 原油期貨每桶首次跌破120美元
By Margot Habiby
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Aug. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil fell below $120 a barrel for the first time since May amid speculation that Tropical Storm Edouard won't cause disruption to most offshore oil facilities as it approaches the coast of Texas.

Edouard, which may reach hurricane strength tomorrow, hasn't shut significant oil output in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. The storm is on a course for Galveston, Texas, the biggest U.S. petroleum port, and may pass close to Exxon Mobil Corp.'s Baytown oil refinery as well as BP Plc's Texas City plant.

``A lot of the fear about something really affecting those rigs appears to have slackened,'' said Gene McGillian, an analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut. ``The threat is that there's a large enough amount of rainfall that those refineries could be affected for a while.''

Crude oil for September delivery fell $5.34, or 4.3 percent, to $119.76 a barrel at 11:42 a.m. on the New York Mercantile Exchange. New York oil futures have slipped more than $28 a barrel from the record $147.27 on July 11 as U.S. gasoline demand slowed, and a stronger dollar reduced the attraction of commodities as an investment. Oil touched $119.50 a barrel, the lowest since May 6.

Edouard, with maximum wind speeds of 45 miles (75 kilometers) an hour, may strengthen as it moves west, parallel to the Louisiana coast, before reaching the Texas shore tomorrow, the Miami-based National Hurricane Center said. There is a 20 percent chance it will strengthen to a hurricane before striking land.

The center of the storm was located about 160 miles south- southeast of Lafayette, Louisiana, and about 265 miles east- southeast of Galveston at 10 a.m. local time.

No `Big Deal'

``It doesn't look like it's a big deal yet,'' Peter Beutel, president of Connecticut-based Cameron Hanover Inc., said in a radio interview. ``It doesn't look especially strong right now and refineries aren't producing all-out in any event.''

U.S. refineries ran at 87.2 percent of capacity in the week ended July 25, down 6.5 percentage points from a year earlier, as high prices of crude oil and declining gasoline demand have cut refining margins.

The hypothetical profit margin, or crack spread, for refining crude oil for September delivery into gasoline was $5.03 a barrel at 11:20 a.m. New York time, down 48 percent from the year before.

Gasoline for September delivery lost 10.15 cents, or 3.3 percent, to $2.9828 a gallon on the Nymex. Futures fell 13 percent last month, the biggest drop since September 2006, as a slowing economy cut demand for the motor fuel. It reached a record $3.631 on July 11.

Regular gasoline at the pump, averaged nationwide, fell 0.6 cent to $3.881 a gallon, AAA, the nation's largest motorist organization, said today on its Web site. Pump prices reached a record $4.114 a gallon on July 17, as higher prices curbed demand.

Demand Destruction

``Demand destruction seems to be gaining some credibility and traction,'' said Kyle Cooper, an analyst at IAF Advisors in Houston. News about Iran testing a new anti-ship weapon this weekend and the storm ``would have had the market up $5 three months ago. The fact that it hasn't does indicate some shift in psychology.''

U.S. fuel demand averaged 20.2 million barrels a day during the past four weeks, down 2.4 percent from a year earlier, the Energy Department said July 30. Demand among the 30-member Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development will fall 480,000 barrels to 48.46 million barrels a day this year, the department said in a July 8 report.

The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Brigadier General Mohammad-Ali Ja'fari, announced the weapons test today on state-run news services. He also reiterated a warning that Iran could respond to any attack by closing the Strait of Hormuz, through which a quarter of the world's oil is exported.

Storm Closures

Pilots on the Houston Ship Channel, which serves the largest U.S. petroleum port, suspended inbound traffic to Galveston and Texas City today, the U.S. Coast Guard said on its Web site. The area is under a hurricane watch.

The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port suspended marine operations last night, though it's still making pipeline deliveries, spokeswoman Barb Hestermann said. The LOOP, as it's known, is the biggest U.S. crude-oil import terminal, with the capacity to receive 1 million barrels a day, or about 11 percent of U.S. imports.

Chevron Corp., the second-largest U.S. oil company, said it evacuated some personnel from its Gulf of Mexico facilities because of the storm threat, though output hasn't been affected. Noble Corp., the third-largest offshore oil driller, said it's evacuating two jack-up rigs in shallow water off the coast of Louisiana.


Royal Dutch Shell Plc said it will begin evacuations of 40 workers from Gulf facilities. It doesn't expect any impact on production, spokeswoman Robin Lebovitz said.

Brent crude oil for September settlement dropped $1.20, or 1 percent, to $122.98 a barrel on London's ICE Futures Europe exchange.

Hedge fund managers and other large speculators last week reduced their bets on falling prices, according to Commodity Futures Trading Commission data.

Net-short positions, the difference between orders to buy and sell the commodity, fell to 660 contracts at July 29, 82 percent less than a week earlier.

To contact the reporter on this story: Margot Habiby in Dallas at mhabiby@bloomberg.net.
Last Updated: August 4, 2008 11:51 EDT



By Margot Habiby由margot habiby

Aug. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil fell below $120 a barrel for the first time since May amid speculation that Tropical Storm Edouard won't cause disruption to most offshore oil facilities as it approaches the coast of Texas. 8月4日(彭博) -原油跌破1 20美元1桶以來的第一次,可能在投機熱帶風暴愛德華將不會造成干擾最近海石油設施,因為它接近海岸的德克薩斯州。

Edouard, which may reach hurricane strength tomorrow, hasn't shut significant oil output in the US Gulf of Mexico.愛德華,這可能達到颶風強度的明天,已無法正常關機顯著的石油產量在美國的墨西哥海灣。 The storm is on a course for Galveston, Texas, the biggest US petroleum port, and may pass close to Exxon Mobil Corp.'s Baytown oil refinery as well as BP Plc's Texas City plant.風暴是關於課程加爾維斯頓,德克薩斯州,美國最大的石油港口,並有可能通過接近艾克森美孚Corp 。旗下的baytown煉油廠以及英國石油公司的德克薩斯城植物。

``A lot of the fear about something really affecting those rigs appears to have slackened,'' said Gene McGillian , an analyst at Tradition Energy in Stamford, Connecticut.他有很多的恐懼,一些真正影響那些鑽井平台似乎已放緩,說基因mcgillian ,一位分析師在傳統能源在斯坦福德,康涅狄格州。 ``The threat is that there's a large enough amount of rainfall that those refineries could be affected for a while.''他的威脅是,有一個足夠大的數額的雨量,這些煉油廠可能受到影響了一會兒。

Crude oil for September delivery fell $5.34, or 4.3 percent, to $119.76 a barrel at 11:42 am on the New York Mercantile Exchange.原油9月份交貨的下跌5.34美元,或4.3 % , 119.76美元每桶在上午11點42分就新的紐約商品交易所。 New York oil futures have slipped more than $28 a barrel from the record $147.27 on July 11 as US gasoline demand slowed, and a stronger dollar reduced the attraction of commodities as an investment.新的紐約原油期貨已下跌超過28美元每桶從記錄一百四十七點二七美元7月11日,作為美國汽油需求放緩,及美元走強降低了商品的吸引力,作為一項投資。 Oil touched $119.50 a barrel, the lowest since May 6.石油感動一百一十九點五○美元每桶,最低自五月六日。

Edouard, with maximum wind speeds of 45 miles (75 kilometers) an hour, may strengthen as it moves west, parallel to the Louisiana coast, before reaching the Texas shore tomorrow, the Miami-based National Hurricane Center said.愛德華,最大風速為45英里( 75公里)一小時,可能會加強,因為它的舉動西,平行於路易斯安那州海岸,才到達得克薩斯州海岸明天,邁阿密的國家颶風中心說。 There is a 20 percent chance it will strengthen to a hurricane before striking land.有一個20 %的機會,它將加強以颶風之前,打擊土地。

The center of the storm was located about 160 miles south- southeast of Lafayette, Louisiana, and about 265 miles east- southeast of Galveston at 10 am local time.該中心的風暴是位於160英里東南偏南的拉法耶特,路易斯安那州,及約二百六十五英里東南偏東加爾維斯頓上午10時在本地時間。

No `Big Deal'沒有`大不了'

``It doesn't look like it's a big deal yet,'' Peter Beutel , president of Connecticut-based Cameron Hanover Inc., said in a radio interview.他並不像它的一個很大的處理,但'' 彼得beutel ,主席康涅狄格基於Cameron Hanover公司說,在接受電台採訪。 ``It doesn't look especially strong right now and refineries aren't producing all-out in any event.''他並不期待,尤其是強烈的權利,現在和煉油廠沒有產生全列於任何事件。

US refineries ran at 87.2 percent of capacity in the week ended July 25, down 6.5 percentage points from a year earlier, as high prices of crude oil and declining gasoline demand have cut refining margins.美國煉油廠然在87.2 %的能力在一周內結束, 7月25日,下降6.5個百分點,由一年前同期比較,高原油價格下降,汽油需求已削減煉油利潤率。

The hypothetical profit margin, or crack spread, for refining crude oil for September delivery into gasoline was $5.03 a barrel at 11:20 am New York time, down 48 percent from the year before.假設利潤,或裂解價差,煉油原油9月份交貨的汽油是五點○三美元每桶在上午11時20分在紐約時間,下降48 % ,從一年前。

Gasoline for September delivery lost 10.15 cents, or 3.3 percent, to $2.9828 a gallon on the Nymex.汽油9月份交貨的損失10.15美分,或3.3 % ,二點九八二八美元每加侖原油。 Futures fell 13 percent last month, the biggest drop since September 2006, as a slowing economy cut demand for the motor fuel.期貨價格下跌13 % ,上個月,最大降幅自2006年9月,作為一個經濟放緩削減的需求,為汽車燃料。 It reached a record $3.631 on July 11.它達到了創紀錄的三點六三一美元7月11日。

Regular gasoline at the pump, averaged nationwide, fell 0.6 cent to $3.881 a gallon, AAA, the nation's largest motorist organization, said today on its Web site .普通汽油在泵,平均在全國范圍內,下跌了0.6美分, 3.881美元一加侖,學能評估,全美最大的駕車人士組織今天說,在其網站上。 Pump prices reached a record $4.114 a gallon on July 17, as higher prices curbed demand.零售價達到了創紀錄的4.114美元1加侖7月17日,由於較高的價格抑制了需求。

Demand Destruction需求銷毀

``Demand destruction seems to be gaining some credibility and traction,'' said Kyle Cooper , an analyst at IAF Advisors in Houston.他的需求,銷毀,似乎是取得一些信譽和牽引,說: 凱爾庫珀 ,一位分析師在宇航聯合會顧問,在休斯頓。 News about Iran testing a new anti-ship weapon this weekend and the storm ``would have had the market up $5 three months ago.新聞關於伊朗測試了新的反艦武器,在本週末和風暴他將有市場了5元3個月前。 The fact that it hasn't does indicate some shift in psychology.''事實上,它沒有確實顯示了一些轉變,心理學。

US fuel demand averaged 20.2 million barrels a day during the past four weeks, down 2.4 percent from a year earlier, the Energy Department said July 30.美國的燃料需求平均為2020.0萬桶,每天在過去四周,下降2.4 % ,與上年同期比較,能源信息部稱, 7月30日。 Demand among the 30-member Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development will fall 480,000 barrels to 48.46 million barrels a day this year, the department said in a July 8 report.需求之間的30個成員組織,經濟合作與發展將降至48.0萬桶,至4846.0萬桶, 1天,今年,該署說,在七月八日的報告。

The commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Brigadier General Mohammad-Ali Ja'fari, announced the weapons test today on state-run news services.指揮官伊朗的伊斯蘭革命衛隊軍團,準將穆罕默德-阿里ja'fari ,宣布核武器試驗今天在國家辦的新聞服務。 He also reiterated a warning that Iran could respond to any attack by closing the Strait of Hormuz, through which a quarter of the world's oil is exported.他還重申警告說,伊朗可能作出回應的任何攻擊,關閉霍爾木茲海峽,通過世界四分之一的石油出口。

Storm Closures風暴關閉

Pilots on the Houston Ship Channel, which serves the largest US petroleum port, suspended inbound traffic to Galveston and Texas City today, the US Coast Guard said on its Web site.飛行員對休斯頓船舶的渠道,提供服務的美國最大的石油港口,暫停入境的交通和德克薩斯州加爾維斯頓市的今天,美國海岸防衛隊在其網站上說。 The area is under a hurricane watch.該地區是下一場颶風觀賞。

The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port suspended marine operations last night, though it's still making pipeline deliveries, spokeswoman Barb Hestermann said.路易斯安那州離岸石油港口暫停海洋行動昨晚,雖然它仍然使管道交付,發言人燒烤hestermann說。 The LOOP, as it's known, is the biggest US crude-oil import terminal, with the capacity to receive 1 million barrels a day, or about 11 percent of US imports.循環,因為它的眾所周知的,是美國最大的原油進口碼頭,有能力接受100萬桶, 1天,或約11 %的美國進口。

Chevron Corp., the second-largest US oil company, said it evacuated some personnel from its Gulf of Mexico facilities because of the storm threat, though output hasn't been affected.雪佛龍公司,美國第二大石油公司表示,撤離部分人員從墨西哥海灣設施,因為金融風暴的威脅,雖然產量沒有受到影響。 Noble Corp., the third-largest offshore oil driller, said it's evacuating two jack-up rigs in shallow water off the coast of Louisiana.崇高的公司,第三大海洋石油鑽機,說,它的疏散2型自升式鑽井平台在淺水沿海海面的路易斯安那州。


Royal Dutch Shell Plc said it will begin evacuations of 40 workers from Gulf facilities.荷蘭皇家殼牌表示,它將開始撤離40工人從海灣設施。 It doesn't expect any impact on production, spokeswoman Robin Lebovitz said.它不指望任何影響生產,發言人羅賓lebovitz說。

Brent crude oil for September settlement dropped $1.20, or 1 percent, to $122.98 a barrel on London's ICE Futures Europe exchange.北海布倫特原油九月份的解決下跌1.20美元,或1 % , 122.98美元桶,倫敦ICE期貨歐洲交流。

Hedge fund managers and other large speculators last week reduced their bets on falling prices, according to Commodity Futures Trading Commission data.對沖基金經理和其他大型投機者上週減少下注,價格下跌,根據商品期貨貿易委員會的數據。

Net-short positions, the difference between orders to buy and sell the commodity, fell to 660 contracts at July 29, 82 percent less than a week earlier.淨淡倉,之間的差別的命令,以購買和出售商品,下跌至660合約在7月29日, 82 %不到一個星期早些時候。

To contact the reporter on this story: Margot Habiby in Dallas at mhabiby@bloomberg.net .聯繫,記者就這個故事: margot habiby在達拉斯,在mhabiby@bloomberg.net
Last Updated: August 4, 2008 11:51 EDT 上次更新時間: 2008年8月4日美國東部時間11時51分


