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How are you guys weekend?

How are you guys weekend?

Hey, guys,

it looks like we are the only three people in the forum.

How was your weekend? I hope you all had a wonderful time.




looks like we are the only three who is reading here...

but.. i have so far 5 people reply to the "sign in" posts..

so.. 5 is better then 3

weekend was busy

sigh.. whats wrong with me.. weekend suppose to relax


hey guys ~

weekend eh...went out with friends

and i pulled my muscle while playing football

i am in pain now


回復 #3 brucenien 的帖子

oh my

sorry to hear that

hope you get well soon!

btw, when you say football

do you mean soccer or american football


回復 #4 paohenlee 的帖子

well its aussie footy...

but yep...we were just throwing the ball

its so sad eh..pull the muscle like this


回復 #5 brucenien 的帖子


man.. hope all is well to you..

i recently just hurt my back for no reason at all.. and i don't even remember how i did it.. and after like a month.. it is still hurting

aussie footy??  what is it?  i've never heard of it


I hurt my muscle becaue of weight training as well.

And worse than that, I got my eyes red like a hell becasue of my contact when I was playing basketball.


回復 #6 paohenlee 的帖子

aussie footy....

i guess its the way aussies play it...

a bit diff from american football


sounds like everyone is hurt in this english forum

but.. good that i learn something today..

so.. about that aussie footy, is the ball different from the football here in US?

or the ball is the same, just the rules are different


回復 #7 ph1017 的帖子

was there anything wrong with your contact?

回復 #9 paohenlee 的帖子

yep i think the ball is same~

well at least they are in similar shape...

but the rules are diff


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