
[分享] 英文歌曲


While riding in my Cadillac
What to my surprise
A little Nash Rambler was following me
About one third my size
The guy musta wanted to pass me up
As he kept on tooting his horn
I’ll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn

Beep Beep,beep beep
His Horn went beep beep beep
I push my foot down to the floor
To give the guy the shake
But the little Nash Rambler stayed right behind     
He still had on his brake
He musta thought his car had more guts
As he kept on tooting his horn
I’ll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn

Beep beep,beep beep
His horn went beep beep beep

My car went into passing gear
And we took off with gust
Soon we were going ninety
Must have left him in the dust
When I peeked in the mirror of my car
I could’t believe my eyes
The little Nash Rambler was right behind
You’d think that guy could fly
Beep beep, beep beep
His horn went beep beep beep

Now we were doing a hundred and ten
This certainly was a race
For a Rambler to pass a caddy
Would be a big disgrace
He must have wanted to pass me up
As he kept on tooting his horn
I’ll show him that a Cadillac is not a car to scorn
Beep beep, beep beep
His horn went beep beep beep

Now we’re going a hundred twenty
As fast as I can go
The Rambler pulled along side of me
As if we were going slow
The fella rolled down his window
And yelled for me to hear
Hey buddy how do you I get this car out of second gear.


we will we will rock you
buddy you're a boy
make a big noise playing in the street
gonna be a big man some day
you got mud on your face you big disgrace
kicking your can all over the place

we will we will rock you
we will we will rock you

buddy you're a young man hard man
shouting in the street gonna take on the world some day
you got blood on your face you big disgrace
waving your banner all over the place

we will we will rock you
we will we will rock you

buddy you're an old man poor man
pleading with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day
you got mud on your face you big disgrace
somebody better put you back in your place

we will we will rock you
we will we will rock you

[ 本帖最後由 霄雪 於 2007-12-26 13:44 編輯 ]


"Forever Young" by Ella (candlelight version)

Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever young

Let's dance in style
Let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait
We're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best
But expecting the worst
Are you going to drop the bomb or not

Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power
But we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit
Life is a short trip
The music's for the sad men

Can you imagine when this race is won
Turn our golden faces into the sun
Praising our leaders
We're getting in tune
The music's played by the madmen

Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever --

Some are like water
Some are like the heat
Some are a melody and some are the beat
Sooner or later, they all will be gone
Why don't they stay young

It's so hard to get old without a cause
I don't want to perish like a fading horse
Youth's like diamonds in the sun
And diamonds are forever
So many adventures couldn't happen today
So many songs we forgot to play
So many dreams swinging out of the blue
We'll let them come true

Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Forever -- and ever

Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever
Do you really want to live forever
Forever young


Enchanted - Happy Working Song

[ 本帖最後由 霄雪 於 2007-12-28 17:05 編輯 ]


Child of the universe   Barclay James Harvest 
I'm a child of South Africa
I'm a child of Vietnam
I'm a child of Northern Ireland
I'm a small boy with blood on his hands

Yes, I'm a child of the universe
Yes, I'm a child of the universe
You can see me on the TV every night
Always there to join in someone else's fight

I never asked to be born
And I don't ask to die
I'm an endless dream
A dream machine that cannot reason why

Yes, I'm a child of the universe
Yes, I'm a child of the universe
You can see me on the TV every day
I'm the child next door three thousand miles away

[ 本帖最後由 霄雪 於 2007-12-30 11:46 編輯 ]


The Sound Of Silence

Hello, darkness my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left it's seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains within the sound of silence

In restless dream
I walked alone the narrow street of cobble stone
Beneath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night and touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light
I saw ten thousand people may be more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dare disturb the sound of silence

"Fools" said I "you do not know"
"Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you"
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out it's warning
In the words that it was forming, and the signs said
"The words of the prophets
Are written on the subway walls and tenement halls
And whispered in the sound of silence"


Don't cry, Joni

Joni was the girl who lived next door
I've known her I guess ten years or more
Joni wrote me a note one day
And this is what she had to say

"Jimmy please say you'll wait for me
I'll grow up someday you'll see
Saving all my kisses just for you
Signed with love forever true"

Slowly I read her note once more
Then I went over to the house next door
Her teardrops fell like rain that day
When I told Joni what I had to say

"Joni, Joni please don't cry
You'll forget me by and by
You're just fifteen and I'm twenty-two
And Joni I just can't wait for you"

Soon I left our little hometown
Got me a job and tried to settle down
But these words kept haunting my memory
The words that Joni said to me

"Jimmy please say you'll wait for me
I'll grow up someday you'll see
Saving all my kisses just for you
Signed with love forever true"

I packed my clothes and I caught the plane
I had to see Joni, I had to explain
How my heart was filled with her memory
And that's my Joni if she'd marry me

I ran all the way to the house next door
But things weren't like they were before
My teardrops fell like rain that day
When I heard what Joni had to say

"Jimmy, Jimmy please don't cry
You'll forget me by and by
It's been five years since you've been gone
Jimmy, I married your best friend John......"

[ 本帖最後由 霄雪 於 2007-12-31 22:11 編輯 ]



(這首歌叫做 "Without You" 但不知演唱者是誰)

[ 本帖最後由 paohenlee 於 2008-1-2 22:14 編輯 ]


PPP-The Chipmunk Song!

[ 本帖最後由 霄雪 於 2008-1-2 11:07 編輯 ]


Dreams to dream 

I lose my way
No one cares
The words I say
No one hears
My life it seems
Is a world of dreams

Deep in the night
You'll find me
Dream and you might
Behind me
stay If you will stay
We'll dream the night away

Dreams to dream
In the dark of the night
When the world goes wrong
I can still make it right
I can see so far in my dreams
I'll follow my dreams
Until they come true

There is a star
Waiting to guide us
Shining inside us
When we close our eyes

Don't let go
If you stay close to me
In my dreams tonight
You will see what I see
Dreams to dream
As near as can be
Inside you and me
They always come true


