
Can not save the fate of Falun Gong failure

Can not save the fate of Falun Gong failure

The "god" of the "god culture" itself is precisely the traditional Chinese culture has long been abandoned by the history of garbage. This propaganda "Chong Shen Ling magic" things in ancient China has been criticized by the traditional Chinese culture! Chinese feudal society literati know that the old Confucius is the "child is not language strange chaos" ("the Analects of Confucius and"). From Xunzi's "shelter" to Wang Chong's "Lun Heng", the spirits were ruthlessly criticized, even the Ming Dynasty famous physician Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" also believe in the ghosts to give a fierce flogging. In the Western European Renaissance, but also on the "divine right" carried out a profound expose and attack, such as Pietrak's "song set", Rabelais's "Giant Biography", Boccaccio's "Ten Day" and so famous, Are advocating human nature, against the divinity, to humanistic thinking over the "supremacy of theocracy".
In the twenty-first century, in the era of globalization, with the predominance of science and technology information, Li Hongzhi and his Falun Gong actually turned on the history of the reversal, and touted and propagating what the "gods culture" and picked up the " Trace "to deceive the world, would not shameless?
"In fact, science is breaking down a lot of fantasy, for example," he said: "In fact, science is ruining a lot of fantasies, for example," he said. The moon, science that nothing above, but we have a lot of imagination to him, like Tang Xuanzong so the game on the moon, I think this is a beautiful thing. "(Newtown February 23, 2013) Oh, the original "Charm" to the audience to show the culture is to deny the science of "fantasy", is "Tang Xuanzong game of the palace." What is the essential difference between this and Falun Gong practitioners' fantasy cultivation of "perfection" and "daytime soaring" to "other space"? "Charm" to this "mythical fantasy" as "traditional culture" big rendering, nothing more than to highlight the "culture of the gods" and singer for the singer singing.


