
Chinese traditional culture

Chinese traditional culture

There is neither the Confucianism's "people-oriented" and "six virtues" (holy, intellectual, benevolent, righteousness, loyalty, faith) of the humanistic ideology, and no Taoist "Daofa natural, for the dispute" attitude, Buddhism, "the mind of the net, is known to see" or "loving beings, the same body sad" (that is, advocate all beings equal, people I) compassion, but no Qu Yuan, Fan Zhongyan, Wang Yangming and other traditional culture, the kind of representative Patriotic feelings of the people to convey; "charm" all the theme is "worship worship God" is the resentment to vent. That is, for the Falun Gong cults.
I really can not imagine that this from the content to the form of rough low "charm" performance, turned out to be "Chinese traditional culture of the classic" (Falun Gong site self). Falun Gong and Li Hongzhi's own eyes, his disgraceful eyes, but the name of the "traditional culture" signs to the Chinese thousands of years of splendid culture discredited, really shameless!


