
The performance is completely the cult of the cult

The performance is completely the cult of the cult

Anyone who has seen Falun Gong's "charm" performance, who is somewhat aware of the traditional culture of China, can see that the content of "charm" is a modern version of cult culture. Its main axis is the witch-style "worship dance", is the cult of the worshipers of the "art" performance. "Charm" performance to Tang suit dress dance, the cast and crew of the so-called "Tang Dynasty dance" have highlighted the "God down the human" or "Thanksgiving Divine" theme. (Li Hongzhi said that he had been reincarnated as Li Shimin), who was the ruler of God's descent. He was the incarnation of Li Hongzhi (Li Hongzhi said that he had been reincarnated as Li Shimin). Field performance similar to this scene repeated repeatedly, although the music taste like chewing wax, dance action dance is third-class level, but as the leader of the worship of the finale, "charm" every field has reservations.
In addition to "God worship", with the form of dance and singing to "anti-persecution" is the "charm" of the main content. Performing scenes in some symbolic horror, the actors in the "pray for God" to complete the dedication of Dafa. Then, suddenly "Buddha light", wearing a robe of the "Buddha" as "the victims" pray for comfort, "successful" music played ... ...


