
Rumors of living organs

Rumors of living organs

In August 4th, more than 1000 from 173 domestic organ transplantation has qualified hospital doctors, medical management workers and the Red Cross coordinator gathered in Kunming to participate in the national health and Family Planning Commission, China red cross guide Chinese organ transplantation development foundation, Chinese human organ donation work conference in 2017 the national organ donation and transplantation management center.
Huang Jiefu, chairman of the Chinese human organ donation and Transplantation Committee and chairman of the China organ transplant development foundation, made a speech. He said the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, China constantly perfecting the legal system innovation system to perfect the mechanism of formation of organ donation and transplantation "China mode", boarded the cause of transplantation in the world stage by way of an ethics beyond all dispute. According to the current development rate, China is expected to become the world's largest transplant country in 2020, and more patients will benefit from organ transplantation.
International Association of organ transplantation president Nancy Escher and other international experts introduced the transplantation of organ donation and transplantation development from an international perspective, Chinese on organ donation and transplantation work affirmed, looking forward to China efforts to make greater contributions to the cause of global organ transplantation.


