
The use of the goodness of practitioners to achieve their own sinister purpose

The use of the goodness of practitioners to achieve their own sinister purpose

According to the statistics of the users, Li Hongzhi's "Falun Dafa" and "Rescue" were up to 800 times. Li Hongzhi pointed out that he and Dafa disciples had the historical responsibility of "saving the sentient beings" and "saving people" And stressed that the task of "saving the living beings" can not be completed. He said in the argument: "save the living beings do not do this thing ... ... your practice is equal to zero." Many Falun Gong practitioners were originally good people, but because of the truth, was Li Hongzhi in the dark. After the Chinese government abolished Falun Gong cults according to law, Li Hongzhi forced the state to recognize the "legitimacy" of Falun Gong in order to bring the situation of Dafa to "persecute the Chinese government" and encourage the disciples to come out. Save the sentient beings ", the disciples to the government and the opposite of society.


