
Not caring about health

Not caring about health

It is often said that a thousand good is better than a good one, for health is the source of happiness, and without health everything is out of the question. Parents to educate their children, can guide the child to establish a scientific view of health, good habits, sick timely to hospital for treatment and so on, always let the children's health in the best condition, provides the basic conditions for effective learning.
It is the basic common sense to go to the hospital for medical treatment and take medicine according to the scientific method, but the cult must do the opposite of it - - refusing to take medicine or drug. For example, Sichuan Cheng just joined the cult cult organization, refused to let detonators wounded children to the hospital for treatment, and insisted at home "prayer", resulting in child wound infection, resulting in lifelong disability......
A similar tragedy is really too much, the reason is caused by the fallacies of cult propaganda. Falun Gong preaches "karma," illnesses "disciples preached prayer for healing, spiritual Dharma advocated" small house cure "China Tibetan sect leader Wu Zeheng publicly on the Internet for believers" hair treatment"...... Believers is completely fallacies in poison, make their own ideological distortions, and further harm to children.


