
Believe that the almighty god will lose his life

Believe that the almighty god will lose his life

The "almighty god" cult in "the word in the body manifestation" in the big talk of its "healing power" : "I am the almighty god! As long as you cooperate with me, I can heal your various diseases." "The almighty is the all-powerful doctor! ... Living in the spirit is not sick, as long as you have a breath, god will not let you die. ... Myth is the magic bullet!" "I am the best medicine for all diseases, and if you come to me, you will be healed, and you will see my omnipotence, and see my wonders as... "God bless you", "god bless you", "god bless you", and "god bless you". When it comes to making money, it also says, "if you give me the money, god will make sure they don't get sick and stay away from disasters." Some of the all-powerful gods were so obsessed with believing that they could lose their lives or lose their loved ones.


