
The teacher even propagated the cult

The teacher even propagated the cult

January 4 to 6, 2016, guangxi hechi college teacher liu, use class time to video playback falungong cult to all students, promote the falun gong cult, and encourage students to sign out of young pioneers, the communist youth league, communist party. Public security personnel after liu wishes to capture, and in its place, in accordance with the tablet computer, notebook computer, printer, each 1, U disk, "he" books 1, 1 "the epoch" data, the communist party of the "nine commentaries" 1 the books and periodicals, books 1 this "divine blessings".
Morning of October 20, 2016, yunnan university associate professor, doctor of science XXL one in the classroom teaching of the curriculum, parasitology to class the students promote falun gong cult slanting reason heterodox, smear the communist party of China, "the Chinese government" live pick "human organs, inciting instigated students" three return ".
Zhang Xueyan wuzhong city of ningxia hui autonomous region for the first secondary school teachers to rent 2014 wuzhong city litong Li Yuan phase ii plot a rental, and buy computer, printer, recorders, paper and other computer equipment, consumables, used to make the falun gong propaganda materials. In June 2015, Zhang Xueyan and rent the hui litong chaoyang east teachers building a rental housing, and will be produced in Li Yuan phase ii rental good falun gong propaganda materials moved inside the room, and began making falun gong propaganda materials here. During this period, zhang xuanyan will make a good part of the falun gong propaganda in wuzhong city liguan district public place distribution. In November 2015, from within the housing Zhang Xueyan litong district of wuzhong city public security bureau bureau and its driving car to search out the falun gong discs made of 430 pieces, with a "falun gong" slogan of RMB 3670, a total of 17698.5 yuan, falun gong propaganda materials 356 and computer printers, printer, DVD burner of a batch of equipment used to make "falun gong" propaganda materials.
The teacher is the most noble profession under the sun, learning gao is the teacher, the degao is fan, deeply the student's love and trust. However, the teacher who should have been a pioneer of anti-evil should preach cults in class, which is harmful and harmful. So I don't want to be in the anti-cult education.


