
[分享] IE7Pro v0.9.14

IE7Pro v0.9.14

IE7Pro v0.9.14

Changelogs: IE7Pro v0.9.14 (2007-04-23):
1. Support Internet Explorer 6
2. Improve user script system
3. Open new tab from links bar
4. Support windows vista UAC
5. Avoid conflicts with other addons.
6. Blocked flash can be played again.
7. 「AD Blocker」 rules case-insensitive now
8. Split user custom rule list from system default 「AD Blocker」 rules list.
9. User can use right click context menu to block frame/graph
10. User can disable default 「AD Blocker」
11. User script system only load javascript with .ieuser.js extension
12. User can left-click(not right-click) to activate the menu from status bar
13. The config file under Windows Vista change to C:\Users\{User Name}\AppData\LocalLow\ie7pro ( User who's Vista don't work under UAC mode should have to copy their config file from C:\Users\{User Name}\AppData\Roaming\ie7pro to the new folder )

md5: ea5875ea61739bd571aaa5a3581b7149

1. User who's Vista don't work under UAC mode should have to copy their config file from C:\Users\{User Name}\AppData\Roaming\ie7pro to the new folder , otherwise the config of ie7pro will lost.
2. For return of translation people's and user script writer's help, Author name and website url can be displayed in IE7Pro. Don't forget to write it in related ini files.

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