
[轉貼] 這位美國老先生怎麼看的法輪功


  美國著名反邪教專家瑞克·艾倫·羅斯(Ricky Alan Ross)近期推出了一部新書《邪教大揭密》(Cults Inside Out),該書已在全球著名在線書店亞馬遜網上架。據了解,此書包含對法輪功練習者的解除案例。2010年10月,瑞克·羅斯先生曾接受凱風網(Kaiwind.com)獨家采訪,告誡人們一定要警惕邪教的滲透。
  《邪教大揭秘》一書一經推出,便得到了新聞記者、原《鄉音》編輯托尼·奧爾托加(Tony Ortega),《逃離:我與邪教的終生戰爭》(Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults)一書作者保羅·穆蘭茲(Paul Morantz),哲學博士莫尼卡·皮格諾提(Monica Pignotti),以及《崩潰:美國突然人格改變的盛行》(Snapping: America’s Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change)一書兩位作者弗洛·坎偉(Flo Conway)和吉姆·西格曼(Jim Siegelman)等人的好評。
  美國商業電報網(訪客無法瀏覽此圖片或連結,請先 註冊登入會員 )12月16日報道該書推出消息並評價稱:“從未有著作像本書這樣對通常所稱的‘解除程序’(deprogramming)進行如此詳細的觀察和探討。從本書中,讀者可以體會到一種把幹預程序化解成包括評估、准備以及深度剖析在內的、易於理解的漸進式分塊分析方法,而這些分塊還附帶有對科學教信徒、法輪功練習者以及陷入虐待性控制關系的年輕婦女的實際案例。”
  據了解,瑞克·艾倫·羅斯生於1952年,是位咨詢師、講師和邪教幹預專家,以幫助人們擺脫邪教控制為工作重心。他負責一個名為“邪教新聞”(Cult News)的博客,並於2003年創辦”瑞克·羅斯研究協會(Rick A. Ross Institute),後更名為“邪教教育協會”(Cult Education Institute),該協會的數據庫收集了那些具有爭議性的個人和團體的庭審記錄、論文和新聞報導。此外,羅斯還曾發表過多篇揭露中國邪教法輪功的論著,凱風網曾做過介紹。

  瑞克·艾倫·羅斯(Ricky Alan Ross)新書推介“邪教大揭秘”(Cults Inside Out)
  新書“邪教大揭秘”(Cults Inside Out)重點關注破壞性膜拜團體以及他們如何招募和操控教徒。該書詳述了當代從曼森·查爾斯時代到現在的重要邪教。該書也同時詳細舉例分析了包括科學教派在內的邪教幹預過程。個人是如何開始接觸邪教的?擺脫邪教並治愈那些進入邪教“走火入魔”的人們需要哪些步驟?這些問題將在著名反邪教專家瑞克·羅斯的新書《邪教大揭秘》中得到詳細解答。
  瑞克·艾倫·羅斯生於1952年,是美國著名邪教研究專家,以幫助人們擺脫邪教控制為工作重心。他於2003年創辦“瑞克·A·羅斯研究機構”(Rick A. Ross Institute),後更名為“邪教教育機構”(Cult Education Institute),該機構的數據庫收集了大量具有爭議性的個人和團體的庭審記錄、論文和新聞報導。
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How this American Gentleman Considers about Falun Gong
“Cults Inside Out” — A New Book by Rick Alan Ross
Rick Alan Ross 
According to Prurgent.com and Cultnews.com on Dec.15, a new book Cults Inside Out by famous anti-cult expert Rick Alan Ross is released and available for readers on 訪客無法瀏覽此圖片或連結,請先 註冊登入會員   
Cults Inside Out 
You have seen them in movies and on TV, but cults are more prevalent than you think and they are armed with strategies that can “brainwash” and gain undue influence over even the most unlikely of candidates. 
But how do individuals get involved with destructive cults in the first place, and what steps can be taken for those concerned to intervene “deprogram” and heal those who have been drawn into these damaging groups? 
These questions and more are addressed in Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out, written with the help of current and former cult members, Ross demonstrates many of the tactics destructive cults use for control and manipulation—and, more importantly, some of the most effective methods he and other experts have used to reverse that programming. 
As a result, readers will find themselves armed with a greater understanding of the nature of destructive cults and an improved ability to assess and deal with similar situations—either in their own lives or the lives of friends and family members. 
From the Manson family to Heaven’s Gate, to multilevel marketing schemes, there are as many types of cults as there are leaders looking to control and manipulate. 
Rick Alan Ross  
Luckily the more people know and understand about these damaging groups, the less influential they will be–and Cults Inside Out exposes the inner workings of cults of all shapes and sizes. 
According to 訪客無法瀏覽此圖片或連結,請先 註冊登入會員  , Never before has a book examined and discussed the cult intervention process, often called “deprogramming,” in such detail. Readers of Cults Inside Out will find a step-by-step analysis that includes assessment, preparation and an in-depth clarification of the intervention process broken down into easy to understand blocks with actual case examples, such as the deprogramming of a Scientologist, a Falun Gong practitioner and a young woman trapped within an abusive controlling relationship.
About the author 
For more than three decades, Rick Alan Ross has worked with current and former cult members, including participation in more than five hundred interventions. Along the way, he has learned the methods of these groups use to deceive and “brainwash” even the most unlikely individuals. Using real-life examples and first-hand accounts, this informative look at the world of destructive cults will arm readers with a greater understanding of the dangers of such cults–as well as providing valuable information about the intervention or “deprogramming” process. 
Ross has consulted with the FBI, the BATF and other law enforcement agencies, as well as the governments of Israel and China on the topic of cults. Ross is a private consultant, lecturer and cult intervention specialist. He has been qualified and accepted as an expert court witness in eleven different states, including United States federal court. He has also worked as a professional analyst for CBS News, CBC of Canada, and Nippon and Asahi of Japan. He has appeared in thirteen documentaries and numerous network television interviews. Ross has been quoted by the media all over the world. 
Rick Alan Ross is the founder of the Cult Education Institute, an online library and member of the American Library Association, whose database is one of the largest sources of information regarding cults on the Internet. 

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