
[分享] Comodo Internet Security 5.5.195786.1382 發布更新

Comodo Internet Security 5.5.195786.1382 發布更新

Download | Premium 5.5.195786.1382 - x86
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Download | Premium 5.5.195786.1382 - x64
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Download | Firewall Only 5.5.195786.1382 - x86
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Download | Firewall Only 5.5.195786.1382 - x64
訪客無法瀏覽此圖片或連結,請先 註冊登入會員

Hi Everyone,

I would like to announce the availability of COMODO Internet Security 5.5.195786.1382 for download.

The updates should already be available as of now. Please note, you will be receiving 2 updates. The first update is going to update the binary updater which is capable of updating version 5.4 clients to 5.5.

What's New in version  5.5.195786.1382?

IMPROVED! WEB installer now supports more reliable installation experience e.g. support for resuming broken downloads
IMPROVED! Program updater now uses a new updating mechanism which reduces the update size significantly
IMPROVED! Minor GUI fixes and corrections
FIXED! Various incompatibilities between BO defense and various applications(e.g. games, windows applications etc.)
FIXED! License manager does not work properly when system time is modified
FIXED! Various crashes related to the antivirus engine

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