


John joined the army after graduating from college and the base where he served ( as a soldier ) was far away from his hometown, where his family and his girlfriend Mary lived. Though his military life there was both hard and boring, he lived in hopes, because he got Mary’s letter once a week.

But one day, much to his shock, he received a heartbreaking letter in which Mary wrote that she was sorry to tell him that she had had a new boyfriend. She even went so far as to ask him to have her fine picture sent back to her. For she wanted to give it to her new boyfriend.

The more John read the letter, the madder he got, so he made up his mind to get even with her. He asked his friends to find him as many pictures of beautiful women as possible and put all the pictures that he had collected into a box. Then he sent the box to Mary with a letter on it. In the letter, he told Mary to find out her own picture herself, because he had had so many girlfriends that he could not remember which picture was hers.


wuahahha that is quite mean eh!
yet very effective in the sense of taking the revenge


