
超炫的半透明介面特效 Vista Transformation Pack 6.0 (Final)

超炫的半透明介面特效 Vista Transformation Pack 6.0 (Final)

軟體大小:30.18 MB        
讓XP擁有超炫的半透明介面特效:Vista Transformation Pack
Vista Transformation Pack是一套仿Windows Vista介面的外觀主題更換程式。它最特別的地方是可以做到Windows Vista的半透明介面特效,這是其他功能類似的軟體所無法達成的;想體驗超炫麗半透明特效的使用者可以來試試!

自從微軟將下一代作業系統Longhorn正式定名為Windows Vista之後,市面上就出現不少仿Windows Vista介面的外觀主題更換程式。只不過這些程式雖然可以模仿Vista的外觀,卻無法做到像是使介面呈現半透明的特效,讓模仿的效果打了折扣。

如果你想體驗一下使介面呈現半透明特效,可以來試試Vista Transformation Pack。它也是一套模仿Windows Vista介面的外觀主題更換程式,但最特別的地方是可以做到Windows Vista的半透明介面特效,這是其他功能類似的軟體所無法達成的!

Vista Transformation Pack還具備了多種微調細項供你設定套用,讓你可以依照自己的喜愛調整出獨特的外觀介面。如果搭配其他的外觀主題更換程式(如Vista Inspirat),就可以達到幾可亂真的Windows Vista介面外觀囉!

Changes in Version 6.0:
* Added additional Vista related applications:
|-thoosje's brand new Vista Sidebar
|-VisualTooltip (Taskbar thumbnail view and also have docking mode)
|-Styler with Kaye Irene's Vista Perfection X4 Styler Toolbar
|-Blaero's Start Orb (fix cutting edge start orb in msstyles)
|-Stianu89 and Blue Eyes' Vista Live Messenger RC skin
* Added applying Vista setup screen transformation in setup integration
* Added browsable System files source for uninstallation so user can restore original system files from setup CD during uninstallation
* Added display configuration for the best view of machine's display
* Added fixing file's PE checksum after resource patching to keep files more secure
* Added Launch & Maintenance Center in transformation destination in case user already have transformed the system
* Added missing modifype.exe for Windows XP operating system
* Added partially x64 support for Vista visual stuff but not for system files (experimental)
* Added option to reserved updated system files after uninstallation or not
* Added skipping system file verification patch on setup integration
* Added Skipping verification patch on setup file system integration
* Added Vista RTM system applications transformation:
|-Photo printing wizard|-Photo Printing wizard
|-Remote Desktop Connection
|-Volume Control
|-Windows Task Manager
|-System Restore
|-Connection Manager
|-Windows Update Client
|-Media Center
* Fixed bugs caused by deleting important files from integration after transformation
* Fixed Cited in important files from bugs caused by integration after transformation
* Fixed bugs in file-patching engine for uxtheme.dll and resources data
* Fixed Missing files during the installation and setup caused by integration
* Fixed resources patching failure during setup integration
* Fixed Themes uninstallation problem (Themes still exist)
* Fixed user picture's frame border disappearance in logon screen
* Fixed uxtheme.dll patching system (now I use patched files to avoid possible patching problems)
* Removed additional boot screen resources removal
* Removed manual transformation and let user decide to modify system files or not instead
* Removed un-neccessary system files operations
* Removed Unattended transformation and servicces stopping for Norton Antivirus and System Restore (obsolete)
* Updated License agreement DIALOG (users must click "I accept" radio button before clicking Next button)
* Updated System files transforming method to use PendingFileRenameOperations trick
* Updated Updating the transformation to act like never before applying the transformation
* Updated Vista RTM boot screen
* Updated Vista RTM icons
* Updated Vista RTM logon background
* Updated Vista RTM screensaver
* Updated Vista RTM sounds scheme
* Updated Vista RTM system dialogs
* Updated Vista RTM wallpapers
* Updated Visual styles
|-Changed Theme 'structure to be the same with different shellstyles
|-changed visual stylees' name to match with Vista RTM
|-Fixed CaptionButton maximized in Vertical alignment problem when WindowBlinds theme shellstyle
|-Fixed ToolbarBackground sizing mismatched from real Vista style
|-Fixed Shellstyle background color mismatch in some areas
|-Updated Frame border in Windows Aero visual style
|-Updated StartGroupToolBarButton
|-Updated TaskBandButton back to default ones
|-Updated TaskBandGroup 's backgroun and button

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Vista Transformation Pack 6.0 (PROPER)
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[ 本帖最後由 蔡逸竹 於 2007-1-6 20:04 編輯 ]


不錯喔  下載來試試看效果如何吧^^










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