
[分享]English Grammar Simplified

[分享]English Grammar Simplified

【書籍名稱】:English Grammar Simplified
【檔案大小】:7.24 MB
【書籍簡介】 :

Editorial Reviews
'The book has given me a lot of new ideas and I am going to make use of the book as soon as possible ... More Grammar Games is an excellent teaching resource and any school that has abandoned old fashioned models on drill and translation should own at least one copy of the book.' English Teachers' Newsletter, Czech Rep
Book Description
This resource book for teachers contains an exciting collection of activities which present and practise vital grammatical content in an original way. Each game is clearly introduced with a summary specifying the area of grammar to be practised, the level it is aimed at, the time required and the material needed. The activity is then presented using a step-by-step approach. * A wealth of lively grammar activities reflecting humanistic and affective teaching techniques. * Nine sections offering a variety of activities to suit different learning styles. * Over 80 games for EFL students of all ages. * Ideas for using fun grammar activities in monolingual and multilingual classrooms. * Easy to follow instructions for games requiring little preparation. * Contains many photocopiable worksheets, cards and games. * Written by well-known practising EFL teachers, trainers and writers.
Product Details
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (May 26, 1995)
Language: English
ISBN: 052146630X

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