
[分享] EnglishBook:Taboos and Issues

[分享] EnglishBook:Taboos and Issues

【軟體名稱】:EnglishBook:Taboos and Issues
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【檔案大小】:5.6 MB

EnglishBook:Taboos and Issues
Author: Richard MacAndrew & Ron Martinez
File Size: 5.6 Mb
Pages: 95
File type: PDF
Politically incorrect jokes, sexual harassment, divorce, gay rights, body image, drug legalization . . . issues that are normally avoided in textbooks become the heart of this cutting-edge resource. Ideal for adults and young people who want the opportunity to discuss more controversial issues, these entirely photocopiable lessons tackle "taboos" in a means far from being bland! In addition to the above topics, you'll find language exercises on swear words, nudity, gun possession, racism, animal rights, beggars, anxiety and depression, sex change, bribery and corruption, infidelity, and the death penalty.
"死",大家都知道說「dead」 "die", 那口語中委婉的說法麼? 如果是要填表格,又該怎麼寫呢?
這本書讓你跟老外聊天時可以 appropriately say something, 同時不再局限於天氣呀,學什麼專業,喜歡什麼之類的 lame topics 了

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