
Li hongzhi should not need cell phone

Li hongzhi should not need cell phone

According to the master, they don't need high-tech things like cell phones.
All human technology, in the eyes of the falun gong, led by li hongzhi, is not worth a thought. For example, from the beginning of the "he", li has just called the modern science "human science", the whole human as "ordinary people", its meaning is to suggest that, in the eyes of li has and "falun gong", is not admit that modern science: "human science" is far from the truth, while "falun gong" insight into all the mysteries of the universe. In September 1998, when he was speaking at the Swiss law fair, li said, "almost all the points of knowledge of science are wrong in the understanding of matter, the universe and life".
The falun gong people are all "gods", and may also be "great gods", "the realization of cosmic truth, insight into life,". Not opened temmoku, is with the "mind control" "Trinidad call" magic ", "mobile phone on them, or their" function "is false, or explain archmage to carry a cell phone when the decoration, a poor show," the heart "is not to figure vanity.


