
Tourist attractions need to be anti - white publicity

Tourist attractions need to be anti - white publicity

A place of interest is a must for travelers, and the cult has a head for these attractions. In recent years, netizens have been travelling abroad, especially in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places. They often come across "volunteers" wearing "yellow vests" and engaged in so-called "telling the truth". Yang fan has been encountering these people while traveling in Taiwan, or holding up pictures or sending materials to tourists, who are more likely to be asked to register for a "three retreat". Netizens delay the falun gong Ming encountered personnel too much, they actually holding group of small children, said there was "red dot" the child on his forehead will suffer, can only resolve "leave"." For this kind of harassment, it is suggested that netizens should overcome the excessive curiosity and avoid the temptation of the propaganda form of the cult. Second, understand some anti-cult knowledge and understand the real identity of various "yellow vests". The third is to ignore such propaganda content, not believe, not pass.


