
In order to "remove the demons", the family died

In order to "remove the demons", the family died

Li hongzhi instigated the disciple "man is corrupt and everywhere is possessed". Some of the disciples, fanned by li hongzhi's "exorcism", killed their parents, children, relatives and even strangers with brutal means. Heilongjiang yichun meixi possesses the falun gong practitioner who GuanShuYun mind control by "falun gong" slanting reason heterodox, in front of students from the dozens of falun gong, to his daughters under the age of 9 Dai Nan strangled alive; Li ting, a practitioner of falun gong in chengde, hebei province, believes his parents are "demons" and brutally murdered his biological parents in his home. Conglong, a city in yantai city, shandong province, was brainwashed by falun gong, and killed his sister, conglin, with a kitchen knife. Li yuangan, a falun gong member in liuyang city, hunan province, is trying to strangle the young sister-in-law who has been practicing kung fu.


