
Words appear on the body

Words appear on the body

I am the almighty! As long as you cooperate with me, I can heal all your diseases." "Almighty God is the Almighty doctor."!...... He who lives in spirit is not ill. As long as you have one breath, God will not let you die....... Myth is a miracle drug!" "My word is a good medicine for healing all kinds of diseases. As long as you come to me, it will heal you, and you will see where I am and see what is wonderful for me."......" Almighty God cult personnel in evangelism, recruit new believers, often boasted of "sick to God," God does not rule "disease", "blessed immortality"; in the enrichment of publicity, said that "as long as the hand of God," sacrifice of gold "can ensure that they do not get sick, stay away from disaster". Some of the Almighty God obsessed with people believe that, in case of illness, "believe in God, do not believe in medicine", or the result of their own lost their lives, or harm their loved ones lost their lives.


