
The main origin and foundation of traditional culture

The main origin and foundation of traditional culture

As we all know, the history of human civilization has experienced the "Stone Age - Bronze Age - Iron Age" after the production process, which developed into ancient and modern civilization. And "Bronze Age" as a symbol of human into the civilized society. This time before the Stone Age is "prehistoric civilization." The Shang Dynasty is the representative period of China's "Bronze Age", such as the "Gentlemen" in the late Shang Dynasty, the "Gui Gui" in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the bronze World-famous, they are a symbol of China's ancient culture of worship.
According to the division of Chinese historiography and archaeological circles, Zhou Dynasty (1046 years ago - before the year 2006, divided into the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the Warring States period - that is, 256 BC, Qin Zhaoxiang Wang off weeks) The last of the three ancient hereditary slavery dynasties in ancient China, before the Xia Dynasty and Shang Dynasty was developed by the tribal clan into a slavery society form of a transitional period. Wait until the Zhou dynasty era, already have all the characteristics of the slavery country. Among them, the establishment of the "Mingtang system" in the early period of the Western Zhou Dynasty, it shows that the formation of the set of royal power, religious power (referring to the kingdom of the "sacrifice" and religious management rights) and clan descent inheritance as one of the "patriarchal culture "The initial establishment of the system.
What is the "patriarchal culture"? Simply speaking, is to family descent as inheritance, religious worship as the right to grant, to the state management as the ruling power of a set of religious lines of descent inheritance culture. For example, the Western Zhou Dynasty, "Ming Tong system" expression of the most important of the three: First, "respect Heaven and Fa", the second is "destiny", the third is "with Germany."


