
[分享] 鋸棕櫚醫學期刊刊載研究 證實有用可以有效抑制(DHT)的合成

鋸棕櫚醫學期刊刊載研究 證實有用可以有效抑制(DHT)的合成

國外醫學期刊刊載研究 證實有用

• Human prostatic steroid 5 alpha-reductase isoforms--a comparative study of selective inhibitors.
This study suggests that Fenistride (active ingredient of Propecia) only inhibited the Type 2 form of 5 alpha reductase where Saw Palmetto extract inhibited both type 1 and 2 forms of 5 alpha-reductase and was more potent than Fenistride. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 54: 5-6, 1995 Sep, 273-9

• Testosterone metabolism in primary cultures of human prostate epithelial cells and fibroblasts.
This Study shows that Fenistride and 4-MA inhibited the formation of some testostrone Metabolites (including DHT), where as Saw Palmetto inhibited the formation of all the Testostrone metabolites studied. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 55: 3-4, 1995 Dec, 375-83

• The effect of Permixon on androgen receptors.
This study shows that Saw Palmetto extract was able to effectively reduce Binding of Testostrone and DHT to their receptors on various tissues. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 67: 5, 1988, 397-9

• Prager N, Bickett K, French N, Marcovici G. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of botanically derived inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. J Altern Complement Med. 2002 Apr;8(2):143-52

生化學家開始分析其中的具生理作用的成分發現,鋸棕櫚果含豐富的各種脂肪酸及植物固醇,這些脂溶性的成分會明顯的影響人體的生理作用,其中最引起生化醫學界注意的是抑制睪固酮(testosterone)轉化為二氫氧化睪固酮 (dihydrotestorsterone)所需酵素「5-alpha-轉化酶」活性的作用機轉,二氫氧化睪固酮 (dihydrotestorsterone)擁有比睪固酮(testosterone)更強的生理活性。


台灣並沒有這樣的植物, 2004年【維髮健】發現國際上先進國家大量使用鋸棕櫚作為治療異常落髮成分之一。鋸棕櫚為天然植物萃取,可以改變以往使用藥物治療異常落髮的副作用,符合【維髮健】堅持引進最高品質且具有科學臨床實驗之產品,以天然抗落髮產品為本公司發展主軸,因而開始引進含有鋸棕櫚成分之產品。




