
[轉貼] File Renamer Deluxe v5.6.1 批量重命名文件軟件

File Renamer Deluxe v5.6.1 批量重命名文件軟件

【檔案名稱】:File Renamer Deluxe
【檔案大小】:8.08 MB

File Renamer Deluxe是一款文件的批量重命名工具,能够批量重命名文件,自动设置MP3标签等等,支持多种匹配规则。
另外软件采用Office 2007的界面设计,非常的漂亮。

File Renamer was developed to easily and quickly rename multiple files at once.With this program, you can rename entire directories and subdirectories of files/Images/Photos at once with a powerful preview and with multiple tools. It was designed to be easy to use yet powerful enough to handle some of the most complex tasks.
File Renamer is also perfect for renaming digital pictures. Select the pictures you want to rename, choose the new file name scheme, apply, you're done! - It's that easy!

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