
[轉貼] 如何開創有意義的互動歷程?請看「溝通十箴言」


1. Communicate your inner reality: express your emotion, pain, thoughts and expectations.


2. Avoid negative emotions: Do not criticize, do notblame, do not grumble, do not attack, do not preach, do not givecommunication-killer a foothold.


3. Respect one another: Being respectful is the cornerstone in interpersonal communications. If one side starts behavingdisrespectfully, the other side should seek appropriate moment to bringup the desire of respect, otherwise the communications cannot continueproperly.


4. Do not let unwholesome words come out of your lips: never to slash others with harsh words.


5. Do not say any word you should not say: Communicationis not blabbering, uttering any thing that comes to you without anycontrol.


6. Do not communicate in anger: When one is controlledby anger, no proper decisions could result. No good communication cancome out of unleashed anger.


7. Communicate with reason: Without reason, there is only argument, it would not bear any fruitful communications.


8. Own up personal guilt: Once you realize any offense,improper words, actions, immediately ask for forgiveness beforeirreparable damages occur. Confessing of ones own mistakes is theantiseptic of communication, it can defrost, improve, transform andallow transparency in communications.


9. Love and wisdom: Love is the greatest therapist, wisdom forbids a person from being stubborn and self-righteous.


10. Waiting for the fruit: If there is still nobreak-through in communications, patience is in order. Impatience canonly mess up the situation. No perfect inter-personal relationshipwould drop down from the sky.  In order to reach that stage, one has towork hard on improving ones own performance, accumulating credit forbetter communications.


Starting today, let us apply the ten proverbs of communications. Let positive communications develop without any hindrances.


